關於公司entertainment問題 - 會計 Accounting - Discuss.com.hk

    2024-07-06 18:28

    引用: 原帖由 mmkl666 於 2011-6-23 10:39 AM 發表. 無記錯ird 其實有 internal policy on percentage of entertainment exp,太多的話可能出q 問。. 不過無好似其他國家有明文規定限定,唔講歐洲,就算大陸都有。. 所以咪話香港稅制簡單. 無錯,連大6 都唔準 用公數送禮入賬!!


    Meals And Entertainment - Trillium Bookkeeping

    Meals and Entertainment expenses is an area that many small business owners have questions about. Here is some information that should help clear things up. The 50% Limitation. In general, a business can write off 50% of their meals and entertainment expenses. This means half of the expense, and half of the HST.

    Entertainment CPA Accounting | Film Industry | Music | Broadcasting

    Delerme CPA is a client-centered CPA in Atlanta, GA that specializes in accounting for filmmakers, entertainers, media, and professional athletes. We offer high-level accounting skills combined with industry knowledge to effectively manage finances and preserve wealth for the entertainment industry. Request a FREE Consultation Now.

    關於公司entertainment問題(頁 1) - 會計 Accounting - 香港討論區 (純文字版本)

    香港討論區 » 會計 Accounting » 關於公司entertainment ... 關於entertainment 報銷, 香港 稅 局 完全無制定準則,真係hea 到離譜!:smile_27: 在外國,如法國,關於entertainment 報銷,有金額限制!

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    聘請像3e 會計這樣富有技術並專業的服務提供者,將使您保持經商順利。 3e會計擁有量身定制的解決方案,可以滿足您在香港開展娛樂業務的一切服務需求。 立即聯繫 3e 會計,開始您的卓越經商之旅。

    Entertainment Industry Accountants: Expert Financial Services

    Specialized accounting services tailored to the unique needs of field services and engineering firms, including budgeting, and forecasting, accounts receivable management, to provide insights about your firm and help you make smart business decisions. Maintaining accurate financial records to provide a clear view of your business's financial ...

    Entertainment Accounting Accountant | Film Industry | Los Angeles

    Entertainment Accountant Los Angeles. Sancus Tax and Accounting specializes in entertainment accounting services. We work with the film industry, photographers, and entertainers including actors, musicians, and professional athletes. Our team uses a unique blend of accounting expertise and industry experience to manage finances and limit tax ...

    Entertainment Accounting | Licensing Audits | Los Angeles CPA Firm

    Entertainment, Media, and Visual Arts Gumbiner Savett Editor 2020-02-28T01:48:33+00:00 Entertainment, Media, and Visual Arts Accounting Consulting Focused on the Entertainment Industry

    Entertainment CPA Accountant | Film Industry | Music | California

    Contact M.W. Orlando CPA, Inc. today at 619-331-0069 to learn more about our entertainment accounting services. We offer a free consultation to get acquainted so contact us now. Learn More

    Entertainment Accountants | Accounting Services for Artists

    Our accountants also offer these services to all types of creative artists, including musicians, painters, sculptors and others. For more than 70 years, our accounting firm has helped these clients navigate their current tax positions, protect their wealth, maximize tax savings, and prepare for their future needs. Although similar in some ways ...

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    本網頁提供元照英美法詞典的免費線上查詢,可查詢entertainment expenses的中文意思,以及相關法律概念和實務見解。

    PDF 臺灣娛樂暨媒體業展望 - PwC

    Entertainment and Media) 顯示,受科技和不斷演變的消費者行為驅動,更為私密個人(personal)、且更加客製化 (personalised)的媒體互動,依舊方興未艾。 這份報告提供關於未來5 年(2019-2023)全球娛樂暨媒體產業的深刻洞見及預測,為讓臺灣有興趣的朋友方便

    投資公司的交際費限額計算 - 創嶼會計師事務所

    投資公司的交際費限額計算. · 創嶼會計師事務所. 公司經營難免會需要交際應酬,請講師吃頓飯、招待供應商一些伴手禮、請客戶出國玩等等,都是非常常見的公司支出,也就是所謂的「交際費」。. 但因為交際費的內容都是吃喝玩樂,國稅局很難審核其交易的 ...

    Top rated Entertainment Accountants in Los Angeles

    Whether you are new to the entertainment industry or a seasoned veteran, our entertainment accountants have the expertise to provide trustworthy personal and business financial advice in order to maximize your wealth. For additional information about our entertainment accounting services, call us at 310-472-4727 or fill out our contact form.

    PDF 文化產業之會計挑戰 20170110 for pwc

    權,應依國際會計準則第2 號「存貨」(ias2)將其分類於存貨;若預計以授權方式賺 取收入,則應依國際會計準則第38 號「無形資產」(ias 38)將其列為無形資產。 分類為存貨之版權,依ias 2 第19 段之規定,其成本包括直接提供勞務人員(包含監

    【報稅攻略】扣稅清單逐個睇 應酬會費服裝費「扣得就扣」!

    打工仔喜訊之一是,今年的個人基本免稅額由12萬元升至13.2萬元,而已婚人士免稅額亦由24萬元升至26.4萬元。. 如果你是已婚人士,一般而言,如果夫婦二人都有工作收入的話,分開報稅會更有利,但如果夫婦其中一方沒有工作收入,合併報稅則更佳。. 2. 供養 ...

    英文字典 - accounting.eng.tw

    entertainment n. 娛樂, 款待, 娛樂表演 【前後詞彙】 enterprise accounting 企業會計 enterprise cost 企業成本 enterprise debt 企業債務 enterprise fund 企業基金(政府會計) enterprise value,going-concern value 企業價值,繼續經營價值 entertainment 交際費 entity 個體 entity accounting 個體會計 ...

    9 Tax Deductions for Entertainment Industry Professionals

    Common business tax deductions for entertainment professionals include recording costs, professional photos, and travel expenses. You can also deduct insurance and advertising if you're self-employed or a freelancer. Understanding tax write-offs for the self-employed or small business owners can help save time and protect your hard-earned ...

    會計新手,請問會計 利是 點入賬? - 自由講場 - Baby Kingdom - 親子王國 香港 討論區

    會計新手,請問會計 利是 點入賬? 謝謝 ,Baby Kingdom - 親子王國 香港 討論區 ... 由 littledot 於 18-4-4 18:04 編輯 本帖最後由 littledot 於 18-4-4 18:04 編輯 送禮,請食飯,大都係入entertainment ...

    會計新鮮人必看|會計專有名詞中英文對照表&科目英文縮寫,不怕看不懂會計科目 - TC Sharing


    PDF 截至二零二四年三月三十一日止年度之全年業績

    • 香港會計準則第8號(修訂本),「會計估計定義」 • 香港會計準則第12號(修訂本),「與單一交易產生的資產及負債相關的遞延稅項」 於本年度應用香港財務報告準則(修訂本)對本集團本年度及過往年度之財務表現及狀況


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    以下是財政司司長陳茂波今日(六月二十九日)在會計專業發展基金十五周年會議的致辭: 王松苗秘書長(中央人民政府駐香港特別行政區聯絡辦公室秘書長王松苗)、Edwin(會計專業發展基金主席楊志偉)、Nelson(審計署署長林智遠教授)、Betty(中華電力有限公司主席阮蘇少湄)、Janey(會計及 ...

    《暗黑破壞神 Iv》第 5 賽季測試伺服器:玩家須知

    現在會計算有幾道攻擊中的閃電。 強效連鎖閃電 . 之前:每次連鎖閃電彈跳時,使其在持續時間內造成的傷害提高 5%。 現在:每次連鎖閃電彈跳時,在其持續時間內造成的傷害提高 10%,最高可達 30%。 連鎖閃電附魔 . 現在有 4 秒的冷卻時間。