The Accountant (2016) - IMDb

    2024-07-06 16:20

    The Accountant: Directed by Gavin O'Connor. With Ben Affleck, Anna Kendrick, J.K. Simmons, Jon Bernthal. As a math savant uncooks the books for a new client, the Treasury Department closes in on his activities, and the body count starts to rise.


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    The Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (the Institute) is the only body authorized by law to register and grant practising certificates to certified public accountants in Hong Kong. The Institute has more than 42,000 members and more than 18,000 registered students. Members of the Institute are entitled to the description "certified public accountant" and to the ...

    會計新鮮人必看|會計專有名詞中英文對照表&科目英文縮寫,不怕看不懂會計科目 - TC Sharing

    會計科目對公司營運非常重要,類似於公司的體脂檢測,能清楚了解費用來源、使用方式以及資金運用。. 會計科目能夠幫助公司節省成本、運用資金以及查核業績等。. 會計用詞中英文對照表包括了資產、負債、權益、收入、費用等常見詞彙。. 會計英文科目 ...

    【會計出路】讀會計唔一定要做Auditor 會計畢業生9大出路 - Jobsdb Hong Kong

    稅務會計師 Tax Accountant. 這是專注在稅務事項的會計師。換句話說,他們不會做月結和年結,即使是協助外部核數師也只是專注在稅務的部分。可是,香港的稅項相對較為簡單,所以一般公司都不會專門設立稅務會計部來幫助公司處理稅項,而是由普通會計師處理。

    會計師 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书

    在中國大陸,1949年前,註冊會計師的名稱是「會計師」。. 文革 前後,會計師絕跡。. 直到1980年代, 社會主義市場經濟 推行, 獨立審計 等會計行業再出現。. 由於當時中國已經有一種會計幹部職稱制度,並使用了「會計師」的職稱。. 所以,原有的"會計師 ...

    註冊會計師 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書

    註冊會計師,又稱CPA(英語: Certified Public Accountant ),一般是在各國相關管理機構或協會取得認證註冊,接受委託從事審計、會計諮詢、會計服務的專業人士。 全球第一個國家採用註冊會計師(CPA)作為會計師專業簡稱的是美國,故美國會計師可以說是全球註冊會計師(CPA)的始祖。

    會計英文除了Accounting,你還必須認識的20個會計科目英文(附會計專有名詞中英文對照表) - YesOnline線上英文

    公司會計英文職稱. 我們都知道會計英文是 accounting ,所以同理可得會計人員英文是 Accountant ,也稱為會計師。. 然而公司會計職稱可不是只有會計師而已,還可能會有以下這些職稱:. 公司會計英文職稱. 中文對照. Chief Accountant. 會計長. Financial Controller. 財務主管.

    Accounting CPD Courses | The Association of Hong Kong Accountants ...

    The Association of Hong Kong Accountants ("AHKA") was incorporated in January 2014. Our founding members are passionate to promote continuing professional development amongst its members and associates, not only in accounting knowledge but also in a wider scope of areas where our members and associates are interested and beneficial to their career development.

    會計主任職系 Accounting Officer (AO) Grade | CSRADAR

    職責 (根據最近一次二級會計主任招聘) 二級會計主任主要調派執行會計或相關職務,例如財務會計、成本及管理會計、系統發展、內部稽核、會計調查、基金/貸款管理、津貼/資助計劃的財務監察及管理等工作。. CSRADAR 備有會計主任過往面試的甄選資訊 (俗稱 ...

    ACCOUNTANT中文(繁體)翻譯:劍橋詞典 - Cambridge Dictionary

    ACCOUNTANT翻譯:會計;會計師。了解更多。 There is no consistent discourse across different contexts (the laboratory, the accountant's office, the requisitions store), and the same individuals adjust their roles accordingly.

    會計師好考嗎?有用嗎?比證照更重要的事 - 考試板 | Dcard

    最近勤業跟資誠都宣布加薪,會計師證照在加薪幅度裡面也有一定的份量。剛好借機跟大家分享之前考會計師的心得,希望對有想要考的或是正在猶豫的人有些幫助。1.背景,2.準備心態,3.各科準備方法,4.會計師證 - 會計師,考試,事務所,cpa

    會計師工作揭秘!會計師履歷法則與「四大」面試技巧公開 | CakeResume

    會計師的工作內容多元而複雜、外行人無法真正了解,許多人甚至會將之和財務、出納等工作合為一談。 閱讀本文帶大家暸解:什麼是會計師、「四大」是哪幾個會計師事務所、會計師的工作內容與履歷面試技巧等,幫助你在求職時更加順利。

    #心得 112會計師通過心得:準備心法與具體規劃 - 會計板 | Dcard

    拿到會計師成績發現高會差臨門一腳,當下只感嘆是自作孽,畢竟害了兩位考生+365,而今年沒練筆就過了~. 前言:很開心能與各位分享經驗。. 本篇文章將聚焦在「準備心法」與「具體規劃」,師資部分已有許多前輩們分享,故不在此贅述,看參考用書應該就 ...

    Find a CPA - Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants

    Lists of members and CPA practices. About us Organization Overview Vision, Mission and Values Subsidiaries Awards Strategic Plan Library Contact us Governance Governance structure Council Committees Policy and procedures Management Further reform of regulatory regime for accounting profession Reviewing the Institute's Council election arrangements Consultation on the proposed framework for the ...

    庫務會計師職系 Treasury Accountant (TA) Grade | CSRADAR

    庫務會計師主要派駐於各政府部門/決策局擔任專業會計職務,例如財務會計、成本及管理會計、系統發展、內部稽核、會計調查工作、貸款/基金管理、津貼/資助計劃的財務監察及管理等。. CSRADAR 備有庫務會計師過往面試的甄選資訊 (俗稱暗盤),歡迎瀏覽 ...


    會計師能透過解決複雜的商業問題創造其價值,更加能為持份者在決策過程中提供有價值的見解和建議。 在全球和中國內地享有獨特的認可 對於那些致力於透過香港會計師公會和專業資格課程(qp)發展職業生涯的人來說,我們享有盛譽的頭銜可以引領您走向國際。

    Accounts receivable Jobs in Delaware, March 2023 | Glassdoor

    Search Accounts receivable jobs in Delaware with company ratings & salaries. 185 open jobs for Accounts receivable in Delaware.

    ACCOUNTANCY中文(繁體)翻譯:劍橋詞典 - Cambridge Dictionary


    accountant (【名詞】會計師 )意思、用法及發音 | Engoo Words

    This is a person who is good at "crunching the numbers," or doing math and organizing numbers, like an accountant. 這樣的人很擅長「crunch the numbers」,意思是處理或組織數字,像是會計師。. In February, Corcoran's accountant received an email from an assistant about designs for apartments in Germany, costing $388,700.

    助理會計師assistant accountant人工高不高?發展前景要靠「沙紙」 | 香港

    根據Glassdoor的薪酬資料顯示, 助理會計師的平均基本人工 大約每月16,000港元,但這很視乎是在什麼公司工作,還有您的職責和年資,私人市場的人工差異可以很大。. 事實上,市場上還有另一個職位與助理會計師很相似,就是「會計文員」 (Accounting Clerk ...

    AC Tax Group, LLC | Accounting & Tax Preparation

    About Us. AC Tax Group aims to educate our clients on the continuously changing tax laws and provide comprehensive solutions to stay compliant. We provide full service accounting as the tools for startup businesses to succeed in their growth by establishing solid practices at the foundation.

    DuVilla and Company, LLC: A professional tax and accounting firm in ...

    Tax Management Services. At DuVilla and Company, LLC, we guide our clients through a full range of tax planning and preparation decisions with strategies that minimize your tax liabilities, maximize your cash flow and keep you on track to your financial goals.

    Breathe, We Got You - AC Tax Group, LLC

    AC Tax Group provides tax and accounting solutions for businesses and independent professionals across the United States. We help our clients reach their growth potential by providing on-going support and open dialogue as we strive to understand their ever-changing business needs. At AC Tax Group we come to you — all our services are offered ...

    台灣會計師公會愛心列車 首度跨海金門捐白米助弱勢 - 金門縣 - 自由時報電子報

    台灣省會計師公會理事長楊永成今天率隊首度跨海至金門,捐贈1000包白米給地區清寒弱勢家庭,並期盼拋磚引玉,各界都能伸出關懷的手作愛心 ...