Diploma in Professional Accounting Studies - The Hong Kong ... - HKMA

    2024-07-06 16:19

    [email protected]. Phone: 2774 8500 / Ivy Ng 3468 6023 / Shino Choi 3468 6024 / Windy Ng 3468 6025. Email: [email protected] / [email protected]. Fax: 2365 1000. The Diploma in Professional Accounting Studies (DDAS) offered by The Hong Kong Management Association (HKMA) is specially designed for those who wish to enter in the accounting and ...


    Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Accounting and Finance - University of ... - HKMA

    The University of Greenwich and the HKMA offer the Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Accounting and Finance to assist candidates to pursue the professional qualification in the area of accountancy. The programme aims at seeking to ensure exemptions from the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA). Graduates of the programme are entitled to the maximum exemptions of six ACCA papers*, which ...

    Professional Diploma in Accountancy - Hong Kong Management Association

    For reservations and general enquiries, please call the Customer Service Department on 2774-8501 or via Fax (Office) 2774-8503. For course details, please contact Mr Perry Wong at 2448-5111 or Ms Winnie Sit at 2448-5112. The Hong Kong Management Association is a non-profit-making organization which aims to be the leading professional ...

    會計學專業文憑課程 - 嚙踝蕭嚙踝蕭瑊z嚙瞎嚙羯嚙踝蕭|

    考取國際認可pearson lcci 財務及會計資格,獲國際不同會計專業組織考試括免,廣受業界認可 LCCI乃工商界廣受認可的國際資歷。 此課程預備學員考取國際認可PEARSON LCCI 財務及會計資格,本課程分6個科目,共修讀280小時,以便學員有合理時間學習相關考試內容。

    The Hong Kong Management Association - hkma.org.hk

    [email protected] : Other University of Greenwich Programmes MBA(International Business) Reg.252208: LLM International and Commercial Law Reg.252469: BA(Hons) Business Studies Reg.252020 (Business Studies/ Digital Marketing/ E-Business/ Events Management/ Finance/ Human Resource Management/ Logistics) ...

    Advanced Diploma in Professional Accounting Studies - The Hong ... - HKMA

    2774 8500 / Ivy Ng 3468 6023 / Shino Choi 3468 6024 / Windy Ng 3468 6025. Email: [email protected] / [email protected]. Fax: 2365 1000. The Advanced Diploma in Professional Accounting Studies (DADAS) offered by The Hong Kong Management Association (HKMA) is specially designed for those who wish to enter in the accounting and finance industries ...

    青年發展計劃︰《做會計師一定要入Big Four ... - HKMA

    會計新鮮人先入Big Four捱下,未來嘅前路係咪一定會更好? 今次YDS就請到資深會計師姚沛康先生及香偉强先生,分享一下他們對會計師職涯嘅發展,他們還曾經在不同界別擔任財務工作,相信能為希望了解會計行業,或正在修讀會計的學生,帶來不少新的啟發!

    Hong Kong Monetary Authority

    View All. Speeches. 29 Jun 2024. Keynote speech at the 6th Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Financial Development Forum (Chinese version) 25 Jun 2024. Opening Remarks at kick-off ceremony for "Celebrating the Establishment of the HKSAR: Financial Literacy Seminars by Chinese Enterprises" (Chinese version) 08 Jun 2024.

    PDF Professional Diploma in Accountancy 會計學專業文憑課程

    5. Computerized Bookkeeping and Excel Application電腦化會計 (LCCI Level 2)及試算表應用 *修讀條件﹕需成功完成 Bookkeeping and Accounting (LCCI Level 2) PDAC-25549 40 2,880 6. Financial Accounting 財務會計(LCCI Level 3) *修讀條件﹕需成功完成Bookkeeping and Accounting(LCCI Level 2) PDAC-25550 48 2,880

    Preparatory Course for the LCCI Bookkeeping & Accounting ... - HKMA

    The HKMA is a Continuous Professional Training (CPT) provider approved by the Securities and Futures Commission (SFC). Enquiry Course Details. Winnie Sit: Phone: 2774 8573: E-mail: [email protected]: General Enquiry / Course Enrolment / Membership. Phone: 2774 8500 / 2774 8501: E-mail: [email protected] / [email protected]:

    香港考試及評核局 - 甲類 - 新高中科目選修科目: 企業、會計與財務概論

    甲類 - 新高中科目選修科目: 企業、會計與財務概論. 評核大綱. 課程及評估指引. 課程補充資料. 考生表現示例. 樣本試卷. 等級描述. 其他資源. 常見問題.

    香港金融管理局 - 貨幣經紀

    有關機構應設有足夠的會計制度和管控制度;及; 有關機構應以持正和審慎的方式及專業能力經營業務。 《銀行業條例》授權金融管理專員對貨幣經紀的核准證明書附加條件、或修改與增刪該等條件,並對核准經紀進行審查,以及向他們索取資料。

    Level 2 Book-keeping & Accounting 第 2 級 簿記及會計 - www.lcci.hk

    1. Level 2 Book-keeping & Accounting ( 第 2 級 簿記及會計 ) 學員修讀此課程,目的在於考取由 LCCI Level 2 Book-keeping & Accounting ( 第 2 級 簿記及會計 ) 國際認可會計証書,因此本校亦專門針對此考試的需要而專門開辦此課程,課程內容完全覆蓋考試全部要求。

    市場學及工商管理文憑課程 (夜間兼讀制課程 ... - Hkma

    香港管理專業協會(HKMA)為有志於從事市場拓展及管理方面的人士特辦夜間兼讀制『市場學及工商管理文憑』及『市場學及工商管理高等文憑』。. 課程內容涵蓋公司管理、會計、財務、經濟和電腦方面的理論與應用,以切合當今的商業環境。. 申請及有關資料 ...

    The Hong Kong Management Association - HKMA

    會計及財務管理(榮譽)文學士, 英國雷克瑟姆大學(雷大) (中文修讀) BA (Hons) Accounting & Finance Management, Wrexham University, UK (Assessed in English) 我想登記4月16日課程介紹講座:

    HKMA的會計高級文憑,請問一下有人讀過嗎? - 自由講場 - Baby Kingdom - 親子王國 香港 討論區

    HKMA的會計高級文憑,請問一下有人讀過嗎?. chinfongfong. 男爵府. 積分: 6451. 發表於 19-11-30 23:35 | 顯示全部帖子. 如題,想知道有人讀過嗎?. 覺得如何,合格率高嗎?. 我之前在果度讀了個會計文憑,現在想再讀多個HD.想了解多點,有過來人談下最好. 私人傳訊.

    BA (Hons) Accounting and Finance Management (Assessed in Chinese ...

    BA (Hons) Accounting and Finance Management, a Bachelor's Degree programme organised by Wrexham University, comprises 3 years of study, with a total of 360 credits with 2 entry points at Year One and Year Two, based on applicant's qualifications. The programme is offered in a face-to-face mode and is assessed by written assignments and examinations.

    Hong Kong Monetary Authority - Registers and Lists

    Registers and Lists. Register of AIs & LROs ( API Available ) Register of Securities Staff of AIs ( API Available ) Register of SVF Licensees ( API Available ) List of AI-related Trustees ( API Available ) Last revision date : 11 July 2023.

    專業會計榮譽工商管理學士 - Admissions

    專業會計榮譽工商管理學士 本頁只提供英文版本,請按上方 " English Version " 鍵閱覽所需資料。 Lee Shau Kee School of Business and Administration

    - Hong Kong Mangement Association - HKMA

    INTRODUCTION. The Institute of Advanced Management Development (AMD) was established on 1 May 2015 to offer advanced management programmes for top executive development and management consulting services with a view to making significant contribution to the growth of Hong Kong's human capital and of the economy locally and regionally. The idea ...

    商業文憑課程(以中文修讀) - The Hong Kong Management ... - HKMA

    課程目標. 文憑課程與(榮譽)文學士課程的學員均可選擇以中文或英文作評核. 學員在完成文憑課程後可直接入讀英國格林多大學的(榮譽)文學士課程. 香港學員取得的學士學位,學術地位與大學頒授予修讀相同課程的英國畢業生的學士學位相同. 課程由本地 ...

    ICMA Education Program - The Hong Kong Management Association - hkma.org.hk

    ICMA課程(註冊編號:312191**). 2個最終單元+作業,於6個月內獲得資格. 適合非會計專業人士. 超過100個認可的大學課程. 通往碩士學位的途徑. ** 註冊編號312191是根據非本地高等及專業教育(規管)條例註冊的課程。. 個別僱主是否承認該課程所領導的任何資格 ...

    A Workshop on Finance for Non-Financial Managers - The Hong Kong ... - HKMA

    Phone: 2774 8500 / Ivy Ng 3468 6023 / Shino Choi 3468 6024 / Windy Ng 3468 6025. Email: [email protected]. Fax: 2365 1000. 大多數業務經營者及企業主管都是業務行銷或是技術研發出身,鮮有財務或會計背景,故此非財務主管們經常抱怨財務 / 會計數字多變難懂,也常常害怕被所謂的財務 ...