完Q之路(八十三):HKAS 36 資產減值(Impairment)- 減值評估測試(Impairment Test)和使用價值(Value ...

    2024-07-11 13:19

    當資產被購入,公司需要定時進行評估,看看它們它們的價值有沒有改變,有得話便要作出相應的調整。一般來說,HKAS 36適用於所有長期資產減值的處理上,除了某些資產減值已被包括在其他會計準則裡,例如存貨(inventory)的減值處理而被包括在HKAS 2 Inventory裡。

    完Q之路(八十三):HKAS 36 資產減值(Impairment)- 減值評估測試(Impairment Test)和使用價值(Value ...

    Impaired Asset: Meaning, Causes, How To Test, and How To Record

    Impaired Asset: An impaired asset is a company's asset that has a market price less than the value listed on the company's balance sheet. Accounts that are likely to be written down are the ...

    How Do Businesses Determine If an Asset May Be Impaired? - Investopedia

    What Is an Impaired Asset? In the United States, assets are considered impaired when the book value, or net carrying value, exceeds expected future cash flows.This occurs if a business spends ...

    7.13 Impairment of financial assets - Viewpoint

    7.13.1 Impairment—scope. The scope of instruments subject to the IFRS 9 impairment requirements is similar to the scope of instruments subject to ASC 326. Both apply to financial assets measured at amortized cost, as well as to off-balance sheet exposures, such as loan commitments and guarantees. Neither apply to investments in equity ...


    何謂資產減值虧損?. 一項資產於公司財務報表的初始確認是按成本計量。. 其後,於每個報告日,會按成本扣減資產的消耗(如有)和減值(如有)列賬;或重新估值。. 對此,不同類型的資產應按所適用的會計準則作不同的會計處理。. 對於那些並非以公允 ...

    資產減值損失 - Mba智库百科

    資產減值,是指資產的可收回金額低於其賬麵價值 。 資產減值損失是指企業根據《資產減值準則》等計提各項資產減值準備時,所形成的或有損失。 如計提的壞賬準備,存貨跌價準備和固定資產減值準備等形成的損失。 新會計準則規定資產減值範圍主要是固定資產、無形資產以及除特別規定外的 ...

    Impairment - Definition, Indicators of Impairment Test, Practical ...

    Impairment refers to a sudden, permanent loss of value in the organization's asset, fixed or intangible, below the carrying value of the asset on the balance sheet. This sudden decline in the value of asset (s) can be because of various reasons, internal and external. Ranging from market conditions and technological factors to legal issues or ...

    Impairment in Accounting | Definition & Examples | Study.com

    Impaired if the carrying value exceeds the recoverable amount: It is important to differentiate between fixed assets and tangible assets. Fixed assets are resources owned by a company used in ...

    Impairments in Accounting | Xero US

    Assets are impaired when their market value drops below their book value. Lakestar Machinery conducts an impairment assessment for one of its machines that was idle for two years due to the devastating effects of a hurricane. The total carrying value (book value) for the machine is $30,000, and the market value is $25,000. ...


    商譽減值是什麼? 商譽減值(英文 goodwill impairment )是指企業在併購過程中,商譽進行減值測試後,認列相應的減值損失。根據會計準則,商譽被記錄為無形資產,並且定期評估任何可能的價值減損。. 舉個簡單的例子來說, 假設A公司想要收購B公司,A公司會去評估B公司的有形資產價值多少?

    What is Impaired Accounting? (Definition and Examples)

    Impaired accounting is the permanent value reduction of a company's assets. Usually, intangible assets or fixed assets undergo impairment. To test an asset for impairment, you can compare the total profit and any other benefits to the assets' book value. If the book value exceeds the asset's future cash flow, you can document the difference on ...

    8.8 Intangible assets - Viewpoint

    8.8 Intangible assets. The presentation and disclosure requirements discussed in this section are applicable to the acquisition and postacquisition periods for intangible assets under ASC 350. See FSP 17 for additional presentation and disclosure requirements for business combinations. ASC 350-30-50-1 requires certain disclosures for acquired ...

    减值(impairment)和预期信用损失(expected credit loss) - FinPlan

    股票投资知识 / 部落文. 4评论. 减值 (impairment loss)和预期信用损失 (expected credit loss, ECL)都是用来描述资产价值的减少。. 某些行业,例如银行,对于减值和ECL特别敏感。. 这篇文章的目的是想要用比较简易的方式来解释,让就算不是会计师的投资者也可以正确的 ...

    Impaired Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster

    impaired: [adjective] being in an imperfect or weakened state or condition: such as. diminished in function or ability : lacking full functional or structural integrity. unable to function normally or safely (as when operating a motor vehicle) because of intoxication by alcohol or drugs.

    完Q之路(八十四):HKAS 36 資產減值(Impairment)- Goodwill Impairment - 罔相心室

    完Q之路(八十四):HKAS 36 資產減值(Impairment)- Goodwill Impairment. 上回簡述了減值評估測試(Impairment Test)。. 上回提及,減值評估測試(Impairment Test)需要在獨立資產上進行,假如做不了,公司便需考慮在一系列的資產上進行有關測試,在會計上,這「一系列 ...

    PDF Hong Kong Accounting Standard 36 - Hong Kong Institute of Certified ...

    be impaired. (c) goodwill acquired in a business combination to be tested for impairment annually. Measuring value in use IN6 The Standard clarifies that the following elements should be reflected in the calculation of an asset's value in use: (a) an estimate of the future cash flows the entity expects to derive from the asset; ...

    兩分鐘學懂會計小知識 第一集Impairment of assets - YouTube

    How to determine impairment loss of assets? Easy to understand!DJR Consultancy Limited We provide accounting and auditing support to CPA practices and studen...

    Write-Down: Definition in Accounting, When It's Needed ... - Investopedia

    Write-Down: A write-down is the reducing of the book value of an asset because it is overvalued compared to the market value. A write-down typically occurs on a company's financial statement ...

    在美國會計準則下如何處理受損資產? - 金融圖書館

    在美國會計準則下如何處理受損資產?. 答:根據公認會計準則(GAAP),減值資產在報表144和ASC 360-10的長期資產減值或處置部分中有說明。. 公司必須採取具體步驟來識別,識別和計量受損資產。. 這包括根據公允價值對可收回性和減值損失進行測試。.

    應收帳款的評價-預期信用減損損失估計 (Account ... - YouTube

    應收帳款的評價-預期信用減損損失估計 (Account Receivable- Expected Credit Loss and Gain)這個單元介紹IFRS 9 公報對於應收帳款評價的簡化法,及以前呆帳的 ...

    【會計學】 第三十二集 資產減損 impairment of assets / 國際會計準則第36號公報 IAS 36

    $本支影片有cc字幕,請記得打開觀看。112年考衝報名表單:https://forms.gle/7oAhSxfJ3x3NbLda7112年會計課程報名:https://forms.gle ...

    资产减值损失 - Mba智库百科

    资产减值损失(asset impairment loss;Assets Devaluation)资产减值,是指资产的可收回金额低于其账面价值。资产减值损失是指企业根据《资产减值准则》等计提各项资产减值准备时,所形成的或有损失。如计提的坏账准备,存货跌价准备和固定资产减值准备等形成的损失。