葉謝鄧律師行 - YIP, TSE & TANG, Solicitors - 收費大眾化 | 專業可靠

    2024-07-29 13:38

    雄厚資本 領先科技 專業可靠. 葉謝鄧一直站在網絡技術應用的前沿,開發了獨家的e-Dove.com平台,讓客戶能夠適時知道案件進度,從而使客戶感到安心。. 作為一家領先的多元法律服務律師事務所,葉謝鄧每天致力於提升服務質量,並接受客戶的評級,按此查看。 我們擁有一支龐大的律師團隊,超過 ...

    About Us - YIP, TSE

    辦事處地址電話 - 葉謝鄧律師行 - YIP, TSE & TANG, Solicitors

    本行一星期7天工作,全港多間辦事處,遍佈中環、金鐘、灣仔、銅鑼灣、北角、旺角、長沙灣、觀塘、新蒲崗、沙田、荃灣、大埔、上水、元朗、屯門,內地更設有駐廣州代表處。全天候查詢熱線電話: +852 63799999 (電話/ Whatsapp / SMS)。本行律師團隊龐大,共有30位現職律師,員工超過百人。


    新界元朗青山道150-160號匯豐大廈12樓1201室. (大馬路匯豐銀行樓上) 駐中國內地代表處. 廣州天河區. 廣州天河區林和西路161號. 中泰國際廣場B座2003室. (港穗直通車廣州終站步行五至十分鐘) (86) 020 28816688. 葉謝鄧律師行,公證總部辦事處,設於九龍旺角雅蘭中心.

    About Us - YIP, TSE & TANG, Solicitors 葉謝鄧律師行

    Yip, Tse & Tang is a Hong Kong law firm that provides a full breadth of legal services to businesses and corporations. Founded in 1994. We possess a large team of legal professionals, including over 30 lawyers, more than 20 marriage lawyers, 3 Notaries Public, and 4 China-Appointed Attesting Officers. With a total of 180 legal staff members distributed across 17 offices, we offer comprehensive ...

    Yip Tse Tang HK lawyers | fast & affordable legal services

    We provide a full breadth of legal services to businesses and corporations. Founded in 1994, the law firm now has more than 30 lawyers, 3 notaries, over 20 civil celebrant of marriages and more than 150 employed staff. We have 18 offices located in different parts of Hong Kong. Convenience, prompt service, affordable fee are our motto.

    中國公證服務 - 葉謝鄧律師行 | 專辦內地公証 | 香港公證律師

    本行的中國公證服務,收費相宜,明碼實價。由於中國內地與香港的制度不同,為了防偽防假,香港文件要用於內地,需經中國司法部委任的中國委托公証人,辦理公證加上轉遞,否則無效。本律師行承辦各類個人、家庭、公司內地公証。另設有國際公證人服務,承辦各項香港境內、海外文件法律 ...

    辦事處地址電話 - 國際公證 Notary Public | 葉謝鄧律師行

    No. 161, Linhe West Road, Tianhe District, Guangzhou. Room 2003, Block B, Zhongtai International Plaza. (5-10 minutes walk from Guangzhou Terminal of Hong Kong-Guangzhou Direct Train) (86) 020 28816688. 葉謝鄧律師行,網絡遍佈香港九龍新界,全港18間辦事處,總有一間在你左右。.

    About Us - Yip Tse Tang HK lawyers | fast & affordable legal services

    About Yip, Tse & Tang, Customers' Reviews and Ratings. Yip, Tse & Tang is a Hong Kong law firm that provides a full breadth of legal services to businesses and corporations. Founded in 1994, we have 17 offices located in different parts of Hong Kong. Established in 1994. Capabilities: multiple areas of practice with emphasis on Commercial Laws ...

    葉謝鄧律師行 - 國際公證人Notary Public | 香港律師公證 | 海牙認證

    Simple notary works, $900 for same day serviceWe also provide Apostille consulate legalisation service. Telephone enquiry: Click here to call 68889999. Click here for online enquiry Click here WhatsApp 68889999.

    hknotaries.com葉謝鄧律師行設有國際公證人Hong Kong Notary Public,提供海外文件公證,加簽,領事館認證 ...

    A notary public's work primarily involves preparing, signing, and certifying legal documents for use overseas, with the exception of documents originating from the Hong Kong SAR for use in Mainland China.

    Contact Us - YIP, TSE & TANG, Solicitors 葉謝鄧律師行

    Yip, Tse & Tang is a Hong Kong law firm that provides a full breadth of legal services to businesses and corporations. Founded in 1994, we have 17 offices located in different parts of Hong Kong. We are committed to providing comprehensive and high-quality legal services to our clients in Hong Kong. Our team of over 30 experienced lawyers, 20+ Civil Celebrant of Marriages, 3 Notaries Public ...

    關於我們 - 國際公證服務 | 葉謝鄧律師行 | 國際公證人 Notary Public | 海牙認證

    關於收費:. About Ye Xie Tang Law Firm: Serving Hong Kong people for 27 years, one-stop global notary, rich experience. Lawyers Xie Lianzhong and Xie Lianfeng of Ye Xie Tang Law Firm are Notary Publics. They passed the examination in 2009 and were formally appointed as Notary Public by the Chief Judge of High Court of Hong Kong.

    Yip Tse Tang |China notary attest HK documents 中國委托公證人|公證香港文件

    We have 4 China-Appointed Attesting Officers appointed by the Chinese Ministry of Justice (中國司法部). Duties of a China-Appointed Attesting Officer. It is called "attesting" and is almost like "notarising". When considering accepting the legal status and authority of documents issued in the Hong Kong territory, the Mainland authorities ...

    葉謝鄧律師行 | 律師辦離婚申請

    如答辯人出庭,法官會確定答辯人是否抗辯. 如果雙方已就管養、探視及其他事宜達成協議,法官可以批准有關協議,作出最後命令。. 要求作出絕對離婚令的申請,可在暫准判離婚令批出後六星期提出. 絕對離婚令 (decree absolute)大約在兩個月內發出. 葉謝鄧律師 ...

    Our Lawyers - YIP, TSE & TANG, Solicitors 葉謝鄧律師行

    Lily Wong. Civil Celebrant of Marriages. 6538-6538 More …. We possess a large team of legal professionals, including over 30 lawyers, more than 20 Civil Celebrant of Marriages, 3 Notaries Public, and 4 China-Appointed Attesting Officers. With a total of 180 legal staff members distributed across 17 offices, we offer comprehensive and ...

    國際公證網上查詢 Notary Public Service Enquiry - 葉謝鄧律師行 | 香港律師公證

    國際公證服務查詢 Notary Public Service Enquiry. 請致電/WhatsApp 6888-9999 或 提交以下表格:所須公證事務 Service required, 見證簽名 Witness signature, 宣誓見證 Witness affidavit, 見證聲明 Witness declaration, 核證真實本 Certify documents

    葉謝鄧律師行 - Facebook

    葉謝鄧律師行, Wanchai Hong Kong. 3,419 likes · 1 talking about this. 服務香港25年,買樓.按揭.交通意索償.工傷.公證.債務紓緩.離婚.破產 ...

    關於我們 - 葉謝鄧律師行 - YIP, TSE & TANG, Solicitors

    葉謝鄧律師行於1994年創辦,至今服務港人超過29年,法律經驗豐富。17間辦事處遍佈香港九龍新界,律師30人,後勤員工已過100人,規模擠身眾香港律師行的頭8%。過去十年,以持續發展、永續經營為目標,自置部分辦公物業和過萬呎檔案倉庫,保存客戶重要檔案記錄。以領先IT技術管理檔案和進度 ...

    國際公證人Notary Public 謝連豐律師 | 葉謝鄧律師行 | 香港國際公證人

    謝連豐律師: 葉謝鄧律師行管理合伙人、國際公證人(Notary Public) 、香港國際公證人協會會員(Member of Hong Kong Society of Notaries ...

    辦事處地址電話 - 葉謝鄧律師行 | 離婚法律服務

    葉謝鄧律師行,離婚法律服務,全港18間辦事處,總有一間在你左右,查詢熱線/WhatsApp: 6536-6666, 6838-8789,至今服務港人超過26 ...

    Practice Areas - YIP, TSE & TANG, Solicitors 葉謝鄧律師行

    Our Comprehensive Legal Services: Power of Attorney, China-Appointed Attesting Officers Services, Notary Public Services, Marriage Registration, Bankruptcy Applications, Debt Relief Plans (DRP), Divorce, Child Custody, Alimony/Maintenance, Marital Property Division, Wills, Estate Administration, Deed Poll for Name Change, Civil Litigation, Criminal Defense, Property Purchase and Sale ...

    國際公證服務收費 - 葉謝鄧律師行 | 國際公證人 Notary Public | 香港律師公證 | 海牙認證

    Over the past years, thousands of people have used our cheap, fast and convenient, extremely high-quality notary services, simple and easy document authentication and signature witness, and the fee can be as low as $900. Click here for online enquiry. Notarial Certificate. Certified true copy (one page)

    國際公證人Notary Public 謝連忠律師 | 葉謝鄧律師行 | 香港國際公證人

    Senior Partner of Yip Xie Tang Law Firm; Notary Public; Civil Celebrant of Marriages; Design the first "Marriage Ceremony Service" Law Society Accredited Continuing Education Workshop (3 hours) and lecturer