什么是试算平衡表?- 定义 - QuickBooks Global

    2024-07-29 11:33

    试算平衡表是显示企业在特定时间点的所有总分类账各账户余额的报表。. 其中包括重要的会计项目(例如资产、负债、权益、收入、费用、收益和损失),其主要作用是显示总账中借方和贷方在某一特定时间点的当前状态。. 在财政年度(或其他会计期间)结束 ...

    remaining balance 會計

    remaining balance是什么意思_remaining balance的翻译_音标 ...

    释义. 余额. 实用场景例句. 全部. The remaining balance of the bill is due next week. 账单所欠的余额必须在下周付清. 互联网. 爱词霸权威在线词典,为您提供remaining balance的中文意思,remaining balance的用法讲解,remaining balance的读音,remaining balance的同义词,remaining balance的反义词,remaining balance的例句等英语服务。

    What Does It Mean Remaining Statement Balance | LiveWell

    The remaining statement balance refers to the amount of funds left in your account after accounting for all transactions up to a certain date. This figure is derived from your statement balance, which reflects the total amount of money in your account at the end of a billing cycle or statement period.

    Remaining Balance Invoice: Definition - Genio Glossary

    A remaining balance invoice plays an essential role in maintaining transparency and ensuring accurate financial records. It acts as an official reminder to the buyer, indicating the balance that is yet to be paid, delineating the terms of the agreement, and providing a clear picture of the outstanding amount.

    What is Remaining Monthly Balance? - Definition | Meaning | Example

    Definition: A remaining monthly balance is a certain amount of money owed from a bill at the end of the month. It is a pending financial commitment that has remained unpaid when the month ends. What Does Remaining Monthly Balance Mean? Contents [ show]

    Solve for Remaining Balance - Formula (with Calculator)

    The formula for the remaining balance on a loan can be used to calculate the remaining balance at a given time(time n), whether at a future date or at present. The remaining balance on a loan formula shown is only used for a loan that is amortized, meaning that the portion of interest and principal applied to each payment is predetermined.

    remaining balance | English examples in context | Ludwig

    "remaining balance" is a correct and usable phrase in written English. You can use it when referring to the amount of money someone still owes on a loan, bill, or other financial obligation. Example: "Please make sure to pay off your remaining balance of $50 by the end of the month."

    remaining account balance - 英中 - Linguee词典

    作 為會計上的安排,我們會把 由篩選分類費 用所得 的收入 , 先 用 來 支付篩選分類設施營辦 商的費用,然後才把餘 款 撥 入一般 收 入帳目("扣除 開支" 的 安排)。

    remaInIng balance - 英中 - Linguee词典

    據美國規模最大的創造論機構 Answers in Genesis (AIG) 總裁 Ken Ham 報導,AIG 的地質學家 Dr. Andrew Snelling 告訴他,至今為止,那些「支持方舟發現的捍衛人士」選擇不理會他的文章。. noahsarkmovies.com. noahsarkmovies.com. 大量翻译例句关于"remaInIng balance" - 英中词典以及8百万 ...

    a remaining balance - 英中 - Linguee词典

    The remaining balance can be distributed as dividends to stockholders after special reserves are appropriated, if any. acbel.com.tw 依行政院金融監督管理委員會(金管會)規定,上市、上櫃公司分派盈餘時,應 就帳列股東權益減項金額(不含庫藏股票),自可分配盈餘提列相同數額之特別盈餘 公 ...


    余额递减法(Declining Balance Method / Reducing Balance Method)是指是加速折旧法的一种。 这种方法是将每期固定资产的期初账面净值(原值减累计折旧)乘以一个固定不变的百分率计算该期折旧额的一种方法,适用于在国民经济中具有重要地位、技术进步较快的电子 ...

    财务中opening balance什么意思?何初始余额有什么区别 ...

    期初余额(Beginning balance) 期初余额是指期初已存在的账户余额。期初余额以上期期末余额为基础,反映了以前期间的交易和上期采用的会计政策的结果。初始余额一般指的是新的一年或新帐套的初始余额。

    remaining balance中文,remaining balance的意思 ...

    remaining balance中文的意思、翻譯及用法:余額。英漢詞典提供【remaining balance】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等

    账单中account balance为正的和负的,表示什么_百度知道

    balance的用法. 1、基本意思是"平衡,对比",引申可表示"调和,均势",还可表示思想或情绪上的稳定、镇定、沉着,有时还可表示重量、力量或数量上的偏重。 2、还可作"天平,秤"解,引申可表示"制衡作用,抵消作用"。 balance也可作"结存,结余,余额"解,指财务上的收支差额或余额。 在美式英语中the balance可作"残余,余额"解。 3、表示"一副天平",可说a balance,也可说a pair of balance;表示"用天平称某物"可接介词in或on。 扩展资料. balance的近义词. 1、surplus. 读音:英 ['sɜːpləs],美 ['sɜːrpləs] 释义: (1)n. 过剩;顺差;盈余. (2)adj. 过剩的;多余的.

    Balance vs. Remaining — What's the Difference?

    In accounting, balance is crucial for understanding an entity's financial health, used to make decisions and strategic plans. Remaining, on the other hand, might be used to track the progress of budget consumption, project timelines, or inventory levels, helping in operational planning and management. 9.

    What Is a Remaining Balance? (with pictures) - Smart Capital Mind

    Remaining balance is a financial term used to describe how much money is needed to settle an account. The remaining balance may be a positive or negative figure, depending on the type of account, and is equal to the amount of money required to bring the balance to zero.

    银行账单一般有三行分别是debit。credit。balance 他们分别 ...


    Remaining balance financial definition of remaining balance

    Definition of remaining balance in the Financial Dictionary - by Free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. What is remaining balance? Meaning of remaining balance as a finance term.

    Remaining Balance - Definition, Calculation and Quiz - Business Terms

    Rather, the remaining balance refers to the amount of money remaining on a debit card. For example, you have $300 in your bank account. If you go the ATM and take out $100, then your remaining balance is $200. The ATM machine might display the remaining balance on the screen or print it on the receipt.

    What is a Remaining Balance? - SuperMoney

    A remaining balance is a financial term that can be either a positive or a negative number, depending on the account in question. When referencing a mortgage, student loan, or other debt, a remaining balance — also known as the outstanding balance — refers to what you still owe until your remaining balance is equal to zero.

    Balance vs Remaining - What's the difference? | WikiDiff

    As nouns the difference between balance and remaining is that balance is a state in which opposing forces harmonise; equilibrium while remaining is an act or occurrence by which someone or something remains. As verbs the difference between balance and remaining is that balance is to bring to an equipoise, as the scales of a balance by adjusting ...


    remaining-balance是什么意思余额 - 尤其是指银行账号上的余额.

    Remaining balance是什么意思_Remaining balance怎么读 ...

    福克斯词典在线英汉词典为您提供:Remaining balance是什么意思,Remaining balance怎么读,关于Remaining balance的例句,关于Remaining balance的谚语,关于Remaining balance的名言,Remaining balance的同义词,Remaining balance的反义词,英译汉