Luxury Soap, Bath & Body Products - SABON

    2024-07-29 11:14

    Step into a world of natural wonders with the new Spa Collection by SABON, inspired by the ancient marvels of the Dead Sea. For centuries, this legendary body of water has been revered for its therapeutic properties, cherished by historical figures like Queen Cleopatra for its skin-nourishing benefits. Today, SABON brings you the essence of ...


    Fed暴力升息撐不住 美國迎來13年最大破產潮 - 自由財經

    Fed暴力升息撐不住 美國迎來13年最大破產潮. 升息導致企業借貸成本上升,美國家居用品零售商Bed Bath & Beyond已經向法院聲請破產保護。. (彭博資料照). 〔財經頻道/綜合報導〕為了抑制通膨,美國聯準會自2022年3月以來,已經升息11次,基準利率調升至5.25%~5.5% ...

    Fed暴力升息撐不住 美國迎來13年最大破產潮 - 自由財經

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